eTraveler: May 18, 2022
The eTraveler is our bi-weekly industry communication email. Sign up to receive them.
Tourism Office Bi-Monthly Webinar May 19
We encourage you to attend the Iowa Tourism Office update on Thursday, May 19 at 2 p.m. This is the third in a series of six scheduled webinars for 2022. Topics will include:
- A recap of National Travel & Tourism Week
- Soul of Iowa marketing campaign
- FY23 co-op marketing program
- Industry partners web update
- Fall/Winter 2022 Travel Guide details
Details on how to join the series of meetings:
Before each meeting, join from your computer by clicking here
Or call in (audio only) 515-348-6300; Phone Conference ID: 673 183 458#
Fall/Winter Travel Guide Opportunities and Ad Deadline
The Fall/Winter Travel Guide will highlight events to be held September 2022 – March 2023. Now is the time to make sure your event is listed on (or add it if it’s not!).
We also want to share motorcyclists’ favorite fall drives in Iowa. If you bike (or know someone who does) and would like to suggest a route, please contact by Friday, May 20.
Advertising space reservations for the 2022 Fall/Winter Iowa Travel Guide are due on June 14. View the media kit for pricing and contact information to reserve your space. Thank you for your support of the Iowa Travel Guides.

#IowansUnite CommUNITY Contest
To celebrate Iowa communities and support small businesses across the state, the Iowa Economic Development Authority and the Iowa Finance Authority have teamed up once again for the #IowansUnite Community Video Contest. This contest provides Iowa communities a chance to showcase their support for small businesses and to win a custom mural!
Learn More
Partner Spotlight: Fort Dodge Launches New Website with a Scavenger Hunt Incentive
Fort Dodge Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) has officially launched its new website, To celebrate, promote, and encourage community members to become familiar with the new tourism site the CVB is hosting a virtual scavenger hunt.
The CVB motto, “Dodge the Ordinary,” was used to inspire the layout and look of the new site.
Users who visit the site before June 1st will be encouraged to complete a scavenger hunt through different pages on the site and find keywords that describe Fort Dodge. Those who complete the form will be eligible to win a CVB t-shirt (while supplies last).
If you'd like to learn more about this marketing initiative you can reach out to Kerrie Kuiper at
Upcoming Meetings/Events
- May 19, 2022 - Iowa Tourism Office Update (webinar)
- May 25, 2022 - CITR Membership Meeting
- June 8, 2022 - WITR Membership Annual Meeting
- June 13, 2022 - iTIP Annual Meeting
- July 21, 2022 - Iowa Tourism Office Update (webinar)
Check out the calendar of events for more details and upcoming industry meetings.
Calendar of EventsIowa in the News
Here are some exciting media highlights featuring Iowa.
- Yahoo: The Flying Elbow wins Iowa's Best Burger Contest 2022
- KIOW: Visit Mason City Launches Mobile Discovery Passport
- Business Record/IA Magazine: Our Love Letter To Iowa
- Yahoo! News: 114 fun things to do in Iowa from family-friendly places to visit to food and music
- News Break: This Is the Best Beer in America
- Lincoln Journal Star: Popular Sioux City winter recreation destination adds summer tubing
- Paula Sands Live (KWQC): Iowa bares its “Soul” in new tourism campaign

Google Career Certificate Scholarships for U.S. Businesses
Google is offering every business in the US up to 500 Google Career Certificate scholarships to train, upskill, and reskill their employees in critical digital skills, a workforce training package worth up to $100,000 per company that American businesses can use to provide employees with new skills and opportunities for growth.
The Google Career Certificates – which provide transferable, industry recognized credentials in high-growth fields – allow job seekers and employees alike the opportunity to gain new digital skills that are becoming increasingly critical in our digital economy.