Other Grants
This information is provided for reference only. Please contact the appropriate state agency for questions about program rules, deadlines, and eligibility.
State Recreational Trails Program
Department of Transportation
Provides funds to establish recreational trails in Iowa for the use, enjoyment, and participation of the public. More information.
Federal Recreational Trails Fund
Department of Transportation
More information.
Iowa Great Places
Iowa Arts Council, Department of Cultural Affairs
Program seeks to recognize communities that take action to enhance their local places while staying true to what make them unique. The program provides designation and funding for supported vertical infrastructure projects. More information.
Capacity Building Grant
Iowa Arts Council, Department of Cultural Affairs
Provides general operation support to arts and cultural organizations with annual budgets under $150,000 that demonstrate an exemplary record of cultural and managerial excellence and community service on a continuing basis to the citizens of Iowa. More information.
Certified Local Government Grant Program
State Historical Society of Iowa, Department of Cultural Affairs
Open to cities, counties, and land-use districts that have signed a CLG Agreement with the State and the National Park Service. Grant funds support historic preservation activities. More information.
Country School Grant Program
State Historical Society of Iowa, Department of Cultural Affairs
Up to $5,000 to assist in the preservation and maintenance of one-room and two-room county schools. More information.
Creative Places Project Grant
Iowa Arts Council, Department of Cultural Affairs
Provides funding for small projects that engage artists, creative workers, and cultural organizations to enhance Iowa communities. More information.
Historical Resource Development Program (HRDP)
State Historical Society of Iowa, Department of Cultural Affairs
Provides funds to preserve, conserve, interpret, enhance, and educate the public about the historical resources of Iowa. There are three funding categories: Documentary Collections, Historic Preservation, and Museums. More information.
Emergency Historic Resource Development Program (HRDP)
State Historical Society of Iowa, Department of Cultural Affairs
Provides funds for when an Iowa historical resource requires timely action to prevent immediate loss of the resource. The threat to the resource cannot be the result of the delinquency of the current owner. More information.
Main Street Iowa
Iowa Economic Development Authority
Program helps communities capitalize on the unique identity of assets and character of their historic commercial districts. Assistance includes training workshops, architectural and design assistance, business assistance, and many other opportunities. More information.
Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program
Iowa Economic Development Authority
Program offers tax credits to developers who sensitively rehabilitate historic buildings. More information.